Sunday, March 29, 2009


This past Thursday in the northern district of D.C., three males fled the Provident Savings Bank on 3111 Greenmount Avenue, after ransacking several teller's cages.

Of the three suspects, one was armed with a .22 caliber sawed-off rifle. He pointed it at the male bank manager, orgering everyone to lie down on the floor, including four employees and two customers, while the other suspects leaped over the counter and stuffed money in two white pillowcases.

The men ran out east along the alley on the north side of the bank where they dropped the rifle. The suspects fled with an undisclosed amount of cash and were last seen wearing a red hat, red football jersey, a white fishnet shirt, and red tennis shoes.

They were lost from sight and there were no injuries and no arrests made.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stimulus not for everyone

For a retired war veteran, the multi-billion dollar economy package will have little impact.

"I've been retired for almost six years now," said Arthur E. Shipkey, 65, a Vietnam veteran from Buffalo, New York. " My family and I are blessed that we are in no need of assistance from the package."

President Obama's $787 billion package went into law Tuesday along with a $50 billion foreclosure rescue for Americans who are in danger of loosing their homes. The bill is geared towards the younger generation, Shipkey says, but will help millions of people overall.

"It's great that the bill will help save many people from loosing their homes and luckily, mt family is not one of them. It's unfortunet though to see what my son will have to endure," Shipkey said.

The foreclosure effort is only one small part in the big plans to help boost the economy.